D14 "Braun electronics"

Sondermodell D14 "Braun electronics".

Special edition D14 "Braun electronics"

Ich habe eine ganz besondere D14 mit Antriebsmodellen gefunden..


I found a very special D14 including driven models.


Diese Ausführung der D14 wurde Ende der 1980-er als Weihnachtsgeschenk an Händler der Braun-Elektronik GmbH gliefert.


This special D14 was given as a christmas present to dealers of the Braun electronics company at the end of the 1980's.


Die Maschine und auch die Antriebsmodelle waren jeweils auf einem schwarzen Brett mit einer Plakette der Fa. Braun montiert.


The engine and the driven models have been mounted on a black wooden base including a logo of the Braun company.


Als Antriebsmodelle diente Wilescos M56 Modelplatte. Die Dampfmaschine und die Antriebsmodelle kamen jeweils in unterschiedlichen Kartons, aber beide mit "Braun"-Aufdruck.


As driven models Wilesco's M56 have been used. Steam engine and driven models came in separated boxes, but both with "Braun"-inprint.


Dem Antriebsmodell war dann auch als Jahresabschluß eine Widmung beigefügt.


The box of the driven models included some year-end-greetings. It included some puns so I don't know if the following translation is accurate:

"This year we want to connect (pun for connect driven models to the engine) to our appreciation of the previous year in every sense of the word. Because in a difficult market, it is particularly important, to have grinded arguments and to drill at the right place (pun for the drill on the model plate) to make a good cut (pun for the saw on the model plate). Have fun at the holidays wishes you


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